Excel Still More Ministry / Chris Mathis is something of an “Anyone’s Assistant Pastor/Preacher.” Somewhat of a true Christian “Minuteman” type of ministry. If you have to go out of town on an emergency, and need someone to fill in on a moment’s notice. ESMM & Christ might be a good option for you.Chris can be in essence – Anyone’s Assistant Minister regardless if you need worship or special music or the Word!
1 Thessalonians 4:1 (NASB)
1 Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from usinstruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more.
Excel Still More Ministry: We want to influence people to the saving – life changing personal knowledge of Jesus Christ ! And to encourage saints of God to keep walking the walk, talking the talk, and fighting the good fight of faith!
ESMM does this through original and covered Gospel Songs that are inspired as they have been experienced to encourage. Performed with passionate and powerful vocals accompanied by gritty yet proficient blues, rock, jazz, and bluegrass laced guitar work, and whimsical percussion. Occasionally we even throw in some harmonica work, but were still working on that. 🙂
Through traditional, passionate (learned through actual experience) Biblical based teaching and preaching, that we must admit is often set free into various (but mostly message related) tangents. Messages that we sincerely hope and trust are completely inspired by The Holy Spirit of God. Chris has had a calling to preach the Word as a layman( he has always held a secular job so as not to be burden on the Body of Christ for his support) on his life from a very early age. He has served the Body of Christ as a Youth Pastor and still has a heart for helping in youth ministry. He has had the pleasure and honor of being able to preach and teach in several Churches and small group meetings, and always relishes any opportunity to do so!
Chris fully believes that his ministry is one that needs to be prepared to go at any time he is asked or needed. His motto and philosophy for ministry is… Have Bible, Have Guitar, Is WELCOME- Will Go! Chris has filled in for Pastor’s who have had to go out of town for emergencies at a moments notice and could not find anyone else in the area to fill quickly. He is also willing to serve any Bible believing Christian congregation, within reasonable traveling distance, that is in an interim period looking for a pastor